Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Mind Fuck

Snippet of our Facebook conversation yesterday...

… Then you gotta run to Wal-mart. Shame the weather isn’t better, I would have you go out with no bra.

Lol. It's warm, just very rainy Sir.

All the better... lol

It's Wal-Mart 2 days before Christmas Sir. You really want to amp up my stress that much?


But it’s fun to fuck with your mind. J

Mean, it's mean Sir.

awww... poor scarlet.

That is literally the tip of the iceberg. you just wait till I get home.

Oh i know Sir.

No, but soon, you will.
Ha. Sometimes i feel like a toy for Him to play with…like a cat playing with a mouse.

Too cute…maybe not a cat…How about a lion?

Yep.  That’s better.  Not that i mind.  i rather enjoy being His play toy.

1 comment:

  1. Master once had dressed me to go to Walmart. It was so much worse than any of my other Walmart excursions and all I could do was look in the mirror and cry. He then said I was so easy to mind fuck. There if just not any part of mind fuckery that I enjoy!


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